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TK Revive -"Reviving" your cedar home & the importance of an ongoing Maintenance Plan for Longevity!

Reviving & restoring a cedar house involves several steps to bring the structure back to its original or improved condition. Cedar is a popular choice for cladding and roofing due to its durability and natural beauty. Things to consider;

- Assessment and Planning:

  • Inspect the entire house to assess the extent of damage, deterioration, and any structural issues.

  • Identify areas that need repair or replacement, such as damaged cladding, rotted wood, or deteriorated finishes.

  • Contact a qualified builder if any repairs are needed or boards need replacing.

- Cleaning and Preparation:

  • Thoroughly clean the cedar surfaces to remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and any loose paint or finishes.

  • Pressure washing might be used carefully to clean without damaging the wood fibers.

  • Allow the wood to dry completely before proceeding.

- Stripping Old Finishes:

  • If the cedar has an existing finish (such as paint or stain), consider whether it needs to be stripped off to restore the natural wood appearance.

  • Stripping can be done using appropriate paint or finish removers, following manufacturer instructions.

- Sanding and Smoothing (if needed):

  • Sand the cedar surfaces to achieve a smooth and even texture. This step helps prepare the wood for new finishes and ensures better adhesion.

- Application of Finishes:

  • Apply a new finish to protect and enhance the cedar's appearance. Common options include penetrating oil, stain, or as a last resort, paint.

  • Choose a finish that suits the style and look you want for your cedar house.

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application, drying times, and number of coats.


Regular Maintenance is key:

  • Regularly inspect, look for colour fade and dryness of the timber.

  • Keep an eye out for signs of damage, such as rot or insect infestations.

  • Ensure that the landscaping around the cedar house promotes proper drainage and prevents water accumulation around the foundation.

  • Trim vegetation away from the house to prevent moisture retention and potential damage.

Consultation with Professionals:

  • If you're not experienced in cedar house restoration, consider consulting with professionals, such as TK Revive Ltd for help.

Remember that each cedar house is unique, and the specific "REVIVING" & restoration process may vary based on factors such as the house's age, condition, and your preferences for the final appearance. Check us out @

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